 F.A.Q. - How to create a bootable Microsoft Windows XP/2000/NT CD?

  1. This is what you need:

  2. How do I write the disk?

  3. Service Packs:

    • If your Windows distribution already contains an integrated (slipstreamed)Service Pack, you will need one of the following files from the root of your Windows CD (additionally to the files mentioned in 1.):
      Service Pack
      Needed file
      XP Home Service Pack 1 WIN51IC.SP1
      XP Professional Service Pack 1 WIN51IP.SP1
      2000 Service Pack 1 CDROM_SP.TST
      2000 Service Pack 2 CDROMSP2.TST
      2000 Service Pack 3 CDROMSP3.TST
      2000 Service Pack 4 CDROMSP4.TST

    • In order to find out if your Windows distribution already contains an integrated Service Pack have a look at \I386\TXTSETUP.SIF and see if the corresponding one of the above mentioned files is listed in there.

    • If your distribution does not contain an integrated Service Pack, it can be very useful to integrate (i.e. slipstream) it yourself:
      • Create a temporary folder on your harddisk with all the files of your future bootCD (folder \I386 and the files mentioned in 1.), e.g. C:\MyBootCD
      • Start the Service Pack with the switch -X, e.g.:
      • Specify another temporary folder as a target for the unpacking process, e.g.:
      • Integrate the Service Pack in your existing folder with the following command:


    • If you are creating a bootdisk for Microsoft Windows NT and you want the following message to appear while booting

      "Press any key to boot from CD..."

      like it does with Windows XP/2000, you need to add to your Windows NT distribution the file \I386\BOOTFIX.BIN from a Windows XP or Windows 2000 distribution, and you have to use the bootsector NT5BOOT.BIN (NT5BOOTM.BIN) instead of NT4BOOT.BIN (NT4BOOTM.BIN)

  5. Different folders \I386 on one disk:

    • How to combine different Microsoft Windows XP/2000/NT distributions see here
    • How to combine different programs with I386 folders see here
Copyright (c)2004 by reanimatolog.
English translation by Wolfgang Brinkmann