Using Instant CD+DVD 6 do the following:
- Start Instant CD+DVD 6
- Choose project CD or DVD (for CD - "Data disk", for DVD -
"Data disk (UDF)")
- Click button "Create" and choose the other parameters of
the CD or DVD project with the wizard.
- Close the wizard.
- From the menu "File" select "Properties"
- On the card "Boot Disk" select "The disk can be used to
boot an operating system."
- In section "Emulation Type" select "Hard disk"
- In section "Source" sålect "File"
- Navigate to your bootsector file using the button "Browse"
Because Instant CD+DVD 6 does not offer the "No emulation" option, you
will have to create an image of this disk before recording it, and then
use a Hex Editor (e.g. WinHex)
and change:
55 AA 88 04 C0 07 00 00 01
55 AA 88 00 C0 07 00 00 04