Mpd 4.4.1 User Manual : Device Types : PPTP device type commands : PPTP setup hints
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5.5.1. PPTP setup hints

If what you want to do is setup a PPTP server for remote clients to connect to your LAN, you would want something like this for each mpd.links entry:

# Act like a PPTP server allowing clients to connect
    set link type pptp
    set pptp enable incoming
    set pptp disable originate
You may also need to enable proxy-ARP on each interface if you're assigning local Ethernet LAN addresses, as well as configuring DNS and NBNS server information for client bundles using the set ipcp dns and set ipcp nbns commands.

If you want multiple simultaneous clients to be able to connect, you should define (and load) multiple bundles, one for each potential client. Each bundle should negotiate a different peer proxy-ARP IP address to avoid conflicts. For example:

# mpd.conf: allow up to 2 clients
    load Pptp1
    load Pptp2

    new -i ng0 Pptp1 Pptp1
    set ipcp ranges

    new -i ng1 Pptp2 Pptp2
    set ipcp ranges

If instead you want to set up a peer-to-peer symmetrical tunnelling arrangement (i.e., normal IP routing using PPP over PPTP), you might want something like this (here is the local IP address and is the remote IP address):

# Tunnelling PPP traffic over a PPTP connection with peer
    set link type pptp
    set pptp self
    set pptp peer
    set pptp enable incoming originate
On the remote machine, you'd have the same entry with the self and peer addresses reversed.

Note that if you are connecting to an NT server, your authentication name must include the NT domain name. For example:

    set auth authname "DOMAIN\\username"

For updating Windows 95 and 98 clients so they work properly, see VPN Update for Windows 98 and Dial-Up Networking 1.3 Available

Mpd 4.4.1 User Manual : Device Types : PPTP device type commands : PPTP setup hints
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