Mpd 4.4.1 User Manual : Device Types : PPTP device type commands
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5.5. PPTP device type commands

This chapter describes commands that are specific to PPTP type links. These commands apply to the currently active link, and are only valid if the currently active link has type pptp.

The PPTP protocol can be most easily understood as just another link layer type, where the link layer medium just happens to be an IP connection. So, for example, instead of configuring a telephone number to dial as you would with a modem, you configure an IP address to connect to. Everything else that's above the link layer functions exactly the same. Hence PPTP allows you to ``tunnel'' PPP frames over IP.

Note that PPTP connections are initiated by a TCP connection from one machine to another, and that servers usually listen to TCP port 1723 (and this is the default for port in the commands below). PPTP also uses the GRE protocol, which has IP protocol number 47. Your firewall may need to be adjusted to allows this type of IP packet.

Complete PPTP network topology looks like:

client <- some link type -> PAC <- PPTP tunnel -> PNS

PAC is physical level repeater, which receives PPP connection of some type and forwards it to PNS using PPTP protocol. PNS is ppp endpoint, which receives ppp frames via PPTP tunnel and processes them.

In simple case, when physical conversion is not required, topology can be simplified to:

client (PAC emulator) <- PPTP tunnel -> PNS

Mpd is able to operate in both PAC and PNS modes. As PAC mpd supports both simple case PAC emulator and complete PAC topologies. Complete PAC can be configured by joining two physical devices using mpd's repeater functionality.

set pptp self ipaddr [ port ]

Sets the local IP address and port for the PPTP connection.

set pptp peer ipaddr [ port ]

Sets the peer IP address and port for the PPTP connection. This command applies to both incoming and outgoing connections. For outgoing connections, this command is required in order to specify where to connect to. For incoming connections, this command is optional; if not given, mpd accepts incoming connections from any host. Otherwise, only connections from the stated IP address (and, optionally, port) are allowed.

set pptp callingnum number
set pptp callednum number

Sets the calling and called telephone number to use when initiating a PPTP connection. For most VPN applications this is ignored, but in certain cases an actual phone number is required. The default is the empty string.

set pptp enable option ...
set pptp disable option ...

Enable and disable PPTP device type options for the link.

The following options are supported:


This option enables the initiation of PPTP connections to the peer. If this option is disabled, mpd will not initiate any PPTP connections. You must configure the peer's IP address with the set pptp peer command.


This option enables the acceptance of incoming PPTP connections. If this option is disabled, mpd will not accept any incoming connections.


In PPTP, each individual PPP connection between two IP hosts (there may be several, and these are not to be confused with the single TCP connection between any two IP hosts), is initiated as either an incoming or an outgoing call. This is to allow, for example, making an outgoing telephone call (by PNS) via a remote access server (PAC), as well as the more common use of forwarding of an incoming telephone call from an access server (PAC) to a remote PPTP server (PNS).

When this option is enabled, mpd will initiate outgoing calls (PNS); otherwise mpd will initiate incoming calls (PAC). Although it seems that incoming would be more correct, the default is outgoing, as this is consistent with the behavior of the Microsoft PPTP dial-up adapter client.

Mpd will accept either type of call on an incoming PPTP connection.


Enable delayed ACK's. This can improve throughput on reliable links. Default is on.


Always include ACK even if already sent. This can improve throughput on unreliable links. Default is off.


Enables the windowing mechanism specified by the protocol. Disabling this will cause Mpd to violate the protocol, possibly confusing other PPTP peers, but often results in better performance. The windowing mechanism is a design error in the PPTP protocol; L2TP, the successor to PPTP, removes it. Default is disabled.

5.5.1. PPTP setup hints

Mpd 4.4.1 User Manual : Device Types : PPTP device type commands
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Next: PPTP setup hints