Mpd 4.4.1 User Manual : Device Types : TCP device type commands
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5.3. TCP device type commands

This chapter describes commands that are specific to TCP type links. These commands apply to the currently active link, and are only valid if the currently active link has type tcp.

Due to limitations of ng_ksocket module this device type have two issues:

set tcp self ipaddr [ port ]

Sets the local IP address and port for the TCP connection. Port field is required for accepting incoming connections.

set tcp peer ipaddr [ port ]

Sets the peer IP address and port for the TCP connection. Address and port fields are required for outgoing connections. For incoming connections it is not required, but can limit who can connect to us.

set tcp enable option ...
set tcp disable option ...

Enable and disable TCP device type options for the link.

The following options are supported:


This option enables the initiation of TCP connections to the peer. If this option is disabled, mpd will not initiate any TCP connections.


This option enables the acceptance of incoming TCP connections. If this option is disabled, mpd will not accept any incoming TCP connections.

Mpd 4.4.1 User Manual : Device Types : TCP device type commands
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