Mpd 4.4.1 User Manual : Device Types : Netgraph device type commands
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5.2. Netgraph device type commands

This chapter describes commands that are specific to netgraph type links. These commands apply to the currently active link, and are only valid if the currently active link has type ng.

Note that this device type has no direct way to detect a physical layer disconnection (i.e., what would be analogous to loss of carrier detect) except by receiving a write error. One way to achieve this is to insure that when the physical layer goes down, the connection to the Netgraph hook is broken.

set ng node nodepath
set ng hook hook

These commands configure which Netgraph node, and which hook on that node, mpd is supposed to connect to. The node is found via the absolute Negraph address nodepath and must have a free hook named hook. Both of these commands are required.

The hook should be connectable directly to a link hook of the ng_ppp(3) netgraph node type. That is, it should be prepared to transmit and receive PPP frames starting with the address and control fields (unless compressed), followed by the PPP protocol number and information fields, but containing no checksum field.

Mpd 4.4.1 User Manual : Device Types : Netgraph device type commands
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Next: TCP device type commands