
Welcome to unixODBC. unixODBC is a complete, free/open, ODBC solution for UNIX/Linux. If you are not sure of what ODBC is then you can check out this site. If you want more information about the unixODBC Project, its objectives, its status and the latest news and releases then you should check out the unixODBC web site.

This document is a start point for all unixODBC manuals. If you feel that there is a need for improvement then please email me, Nick Gorham, and I will see what I can do to improve things.

User Manual
Programmer Manual
Programmer Tutorial (contributed by Markus Rathmann)
A neophyte's guide (contributed by Charles Morrison)
A guide to using unixODBC without the GUI (contributed by Nick Gorham)
How to build PHP3 with unixODBC(contributed by Nick Gorham)
unixODBC and the year 2000
Using DB2 and unixODBC
Using ColdFusion, interbase and unixODBC (contributed by Rotaru Calin Augustin)
How to use connection pooling with unixODBC
Using the Text File Driver