
svn info — Display information about a local or remote item.


svn info [TARGET...]


Print information about the working copy paths or URLs specified. The information shown for both may include:

  • Path

  • Name

  • URL

  • Repository Root

  • Repository UUID

  • Revision

  • Node Kind

  • Last Changed Author

  • Last Changed Revision

  • Last Changed Date

  • Lock Token

  • Lock Owner

  • Lock Created (date)

  • Lock Expires (date)

Additional kinds of information available only for working copy paths are:

  • Schedule

  • Copied From URL

  • Copied From Rev

  • Text Last Updated

  • Properties Last Updated

  • Checksum

  • Conflict Previous Base File

  • Conflict Previous Working File

  • Conflict Current Base File

  • Conflict Properties File

Alternate Names




Accesses Repository

Only if operating on URLs


--revision (-r) REV
--recursive (-R)
--targets FILENAME
--username USER
--password PASS
--config-dir DIR


svn info will show you all the useful information that it has for items in your working copy. It will show information for files:

$ svn info foo.c
Path: foo.c
Name: foo.c
URL: http://svn.red-bean.com/repos/test/foo.c
Repository Root: http://svn.red-bean.com/repos/test
Repository UUID: 5e7d134a-54fb-0310-bd04-b611643e5c25
Revision: 4417
Node Kind: file
Schedule: normal
Last Changed Author: sally
Last Changed Rev: 20
Last Changed Date: 2003-01-13 16:43:13 -0600 (Mon, 13 Jan 2003)
Text Last Updated: 2003-01-16 21:18:16 -0600 (Thu, 16 Jan 2003)
Properties Last Updated: 2003-01-13 21:50:19 -0600 (Mon, 13 Jan 2003)
Checksum: d6aeb60b0662ccceb6bce4bac344cb66

It will also show information for directories:

$ svn info vendors
Path: vendors
URL: http://svn.red-bean.com/repos/test/vendors
Repository Root: http://svn.red-bean.com/repos/test
Repository UUID: 5e7d134a-54fb-0310-bd04-b611643e5c25
Revision: 19
Node Kind: directory
Schedule: normal
Last Changed Author: harry
Last Changed Rev: 19
Last Changed Date: 2003-01-16 23:21:19 -0600 (Thu, 16 Jan 2003)
Properties Last Updated: 2003-01-16 23:39:02 -0600 (Thu, 16 Jan 2003)

svn info also acts on URLs (also note that the file readme.doc in this example is locked, so lock information is also provided):

$ svn info http://svn.red-bean.com/repos/test/readme.doc
Path: readme.doc
Name: readme.doc
URL: http://svn.red-bean.com/repos/test/readme.doc
Repository Root: http://svn.red-bean.com/repos/test
Repository UUID: 5e7d134a-54fb-0310-bd04-b611643e5c25
Revision: 1
Node Kind: file
Schedule: normal
Last Changed Author: sally
Last Changed Rev: 42
Last Changed Date: 2003-01-14 23:21:19 -0600 (Tue, 14 Jan 2003)
Lock Token: opaquelocktoken:14011d4b-54fb-0310-8541-dbd16bd471b2
Lock Owner: harry
Lock Created: 2003-01-15 17:35:12 -0600 (Wed, 15 Jan 2003)
Lock Comment (1 line):
My test lock comment