ProFTPD's Display Files

ProFTPD supports a number of configuration directives that specify a file whose contents should be displayed to connected clients at various times:

Note the subtle difference between DisplayConnect and DisplayLogin. A DisplayConnect file will be displayed to all clients; this makes it suitable for server banners, messages of the day, etc. A DisplayLogin file will only be displayed once the client has logged in.

The configured file paths can be either relative or absolute (except in the case of DisplayConnect, which always requires absolute paths). In the case of a relative path, the file is assumed to be in the starting directory a user, i.e. the <Anonymous> directory for anonymous logins, and the user's home directory for non-anonymous logins. Note: If DefaultRoot is in effect, then the file must reside inside the chrooted directory. If the configured file cannot be found or accessed, no error occurs and nothing is logged or displayed to the client.

Display Variables
The following table contains the variables that can be used in Display files. Be aware that not all of these may have a rational value, depending on the context in which they are used (e.g., %u if IdentLookups are off).

Other contrib modules may provide additional variables for use as well; please consult their documentation for more information.

Variable Meaning
%C Current working directory
%E Server admin's email address
%F Available space on file system, in bytes
%f Available space on file system, with units
%i The number of files uploaded (input) in this session
%K Total number of bytes transferred
%k Total number of bytes transferred, in units
%L Local hostname
%M Maximum number of connections
%N Current number of connections
%o The number of files downloaded (output) in this session
%R Remote hostname
%T Current time
%t The number of files transferred (uploaded and downloaded) in this session
%U Username originally used to login
%u Username reported by ident protocol
%V ServerName of virtual host, if any
%x The name of the user's Class, if any
%y Current number of connections from the user's Class
%z Maximum number of connections from the user's Class
%{total_bytes_in} The number of bytes uploaded (input) in this session
%{total_bytes_out} The number of bytes downloaded (output) in this session
%{total_bytes_xfer} The number of bytes transferred (uploaded and downloaded) in this session
%{total_files_in} The number of files uploaded (input) in this session
%{total_files_out} The number of files downloaded (output) in this session
%{total_files_xfer} The number of files transferred (uploaded and downloaded) in this session

$Date: 2006/12/06 05:15:50 $