ProFTPD module mod_quotatab_radius

This mod_quotatab submodule is contained in the mod_quotatab_radius.c, part of the mod_quotatab package and is not compiled by default. See the mod_quotatab documentation for installation instructions.

This submodule provides the RADIUS-specific "driver" for retrieving quota limit table information from a RADIUS server.


Please contact TJ Saunders <tj at> with any questions, concerns, or suggestions regarding this module.

RADIUS Limit Quota Tables

RADIUS-based quota tables (source-type of "radius") can only be used for limit tables, not for tally tables. The frequent updates needed for maintaining tally tables mean that RADIUS is not well-suited to handle tally table storage.

The mod_quotatab_radius module supports the "radius" string for the source-type parameter of the QuotaLimitTable configuration directive.

The RADIUS attribute to be looked up should contain a comma-separated list of values, in the following order:

For example:

An example proftpd.conf configuration might look like:

  <IfModule mod_quotatab.c>
    <IfModule mod_quotatab_radius.c>
      # Use a RADIUS-based limit table
      QuotaLimitTable radius:$(777:false,hard,100,100,100,100,100,100)

    # Use a file-based tally table
    QuotaTallyTable file:/usr/local/proftpd/ftpquota.tallytab
This assumes that you have defined your RADIUS quota attribute to have an ID of 777, e.g.:
  ATTRIBUTE       FTP-Quota                    777     string

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