ProFTPD module mod_ifsession

The purpose of mod_ifsession is to provide a flexible way of specifying that certain configuration directives only apply to certain sessions, based on credentials such as connection class, user, or group membership.

For class-based qualifications, mod_ifsession will apply configuration directives to the current session as soon as the client has connected to the server; for user- and group-based qualifications, mod_ifsession applies configuration directives to the current session, if applicable, only after the client has successfully authenticated. This means that mod_ifsession cannot change the effect of some user- and group-qualified configuration directives, particularly those that influence the session prior to authentication. These directives include:

and the directives from the mod_auth_pam module. All of these can set on based on class qualifications, however.

While the above list of configuration directives is daunting, there are still valid uses for this module, e.g. configuring <Directory> and/or <Limit> for certain sessions, Filter directives, transfer rates, maximum file sizes, etc. Plus, some of the above directives (e.g. DefaultChdir, DefaultRoot) already have their own configurable restrictions (group expressions in the case of DefaultChdir and DefaultRoot), so all is not entirely lost.

This module is contained in the contrib/mod_ifsession.c file for ProFTPD 1.2.x/1.3.x, and is not compiled by default. Installation instructions are discussed here.

The most current version of mod_ifsession is distributed with the ProFTPD source.


Please contact TJ Saunders <tj at> with any questions, concerns, or suggestions regarding this module.



Syntax: <IfClass ["AND"|"OR"] class-expression|"regex" regexp>
Default: None
Context: server config, <VirtualHost>, <Global>
Module: mod_ifsession
Compatibility: 1.2.8rc1 and later

The <IfClass> context should contain any configuration directives that should be in effect for any sessions that match the class-expression. Classes must be enabled for this context to work properly; the connecting client must be in any of the classes listed in the expression for the directives contained to be applied. Note that ! notation in front of a class name in the expression is supported.

The given class-expression may optionally be prefixed with either the "AND" or "OR" keywords, which affect how the expression is evaluated: if "AND" is used, then all portions of the expression must evaluate to TRUE for the configuration context to be applied to the current session; if "OR" is used, then any portion of the expression must be TRUE for the context to be applied. The default setting for <IfClass> is "OR".

If the "regex" keyword is used, the regexp should be a regular expression to match class names.


  # Give friends, and local users, better transfer rates
  <IfClass local, friends>
    TransferRate RETR 8192

  TransferRate RETR 4096

See also: <IfGroup>, <IfUser>


Syntax: <IfGroup ["AND"|"OR"] group-expression|"regex" regexp>
Default: None
Context: server config, <VirtualHost>, <Global>
Module: mod_ifsession
Compatibility: 1.2.8rc1 and later

The <IfGroup> context should contain any configuration directives that should be in effect for any sessions that match the group-AND-expression. The authenticated user must be in all of the groups listed in the expression for the directives contained to be applied. Note that ! notation in front of a group name in the expression is supported.

The given group-expression may optionally be prefixed with either the "AND" or "OR" keywords, which affect how the expression is evaluated: if "AND" is used, then all portions of the expression must evaluate to TRUE for the configuration context to be applied to the current session; if "OR" is used, then any portion of the expression must be TRUE for the context to be applied. The default setting for <IfGroup> is "AND".

If the "regex" keyword is used, the regexp should be a regular expression to match group names.


  # Only members of group webusers can upload/download HTML files
  <IfGroup !webusers>
    PathDenyFilter \.htm$|\.html$

See also: <IfClass>, <IfUser>


Syntax: <IfUser ["AND"|"OR"] user-expression|"regex" regexp>
Default: None
Context: server config, <VirtualHost>, <Global>
Module: mod_ifsession
Compatibility: 1.2.8rc1 and later

The <IfUser> context should contain any configuration directives that should be in effect for any sessions that match the user-OR-expression. The authenticated user must be one of the users listed in the expression for the directives contained to be applied. Note that ! notation in front of a user name in the expression is supported.

The given user-expression may optionally be prefixed with either the "AND" or "OR" keywords, which affect how the expression is evaluated: if "AND" is used, then all portions of the expression must evaluate to TRUE for the configuration context to be applied to the current session; if "OR" is used, then any portion of the expression must be TRUE for the context to be applied. The default setting for <IfUser> is "OR".

If the "regex" keyword is used, the regexp should be a regular expression to match user names.


  # Alter the view of files for everyone except the admin
  <IfUser !ftpadm>
    <Directory />
      DirFakeUser on ~
      DirFakeGroup on ~
      DirFakeMode 0440

  # Impose a PathDenyFilter on ftp users
  <IfUser regex ^ftp>
    PathDenyFilter \.conf$

See also: <IfClass>, <IfGroup>


Expressions, AND vs OR


To install mod_ifsession, copy the mod_ifsession.c file into:
after unpacking the latest proftpd-1.2 source code. Then follow the usual steps for using third-party modules in proftpd:
  ./configure --with-modules=mod_ifsession
  make install
Note that mod_ifsession should be the last module in the --with-modules list, if multiple modules are listed. This makes sure that mod_ifsession's changes will be seen properly by other modules.

Author: $Author: castaglia $
Last Updated: $Date: 2005/06/20 02:05:28 $

© Copyright 2000-2002 TJ Saunders
All Rights Reserved