From Tue Jul 28 02:38:29 1998 Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 14:20:58 -0400 From: Sebastien Dault Reply-To: To: Subject: [ICQdev] V5 - ENCRYPTION and CHECKCODE =================================================== = ENCRYPTION and CHECKCODE of the ICQ Protocol V5 = =================================================== Last update: July 21 1998 Created by : Sebastien Dault ( Version : 0.01 Copyright (C) 1998 About this document ------------------- This document will explain how the ENCRYPTION work and how the CHECKCODE is calculated in the version 5 of the ICQ Protocol. This document will not explain each command of the protocol. Note that I am in no way affiliate with Mirabilis. I have found all these information by tracing UDP packets (this complies with Mirabilis License agreement). These information are unofficial and may be incorrect. LICENSE AGREEMENT ================= This document and the information present herein is provided by Sebastien Dault ("the Author") for your personal use only. You agree to the full responsibility for the results of your use of this document or the information present herein. By using this document or the information present herein, you accept the terms of this license agreement. THIS INFORMATION IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS. THE AUTHOR MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THOSE OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH RESPECT TO THIS DOCUMENT AND THE INFORMATION PRESENT HEREIN. THE AUTHOR DOES NOT WARRANT, GUARANTEE OR MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS REGARDING THE USE OR THE RESULTS OF THE USE OF THIS DOCUMENT OR THE INFORMATION PRESENT HEREIN, IN TERMS OF THE ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, QUALITY, VALIDITY, STABILITY, COMPLETENESS, CURRENTNESS, OR OTHERWISE. THE ENTIRE RISK OF USING THE INFORMATION PRESENT IN THIS DOCUMENT IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT WILL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY (i) FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF PROGRAMS OR INFORMATION, AND THE LIKE), OR ANY OTHER DAMAGES ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE AVAILABILITY, USE, RELIANCE ON, OR INABILITY TO USE THIS DOCUMENT OR THE INFORMATION PRESENT HEREIN, EVEN IF THE AUTHOR HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, AND REGARDLESS OF THE FORM OF ACTION, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT, OR OTHERWISE; OR (ii) FOR ANY CLAIM ATTRIBUTABLE TO ERRORS, OMISSIONS, OR OTHER INACCURACIES IN, OR DESTRUCTIVE PROPERTIES OF ANY INFORMATION. Number convention ================= 0x12345678 : Real value in hexadecimal (use in calculations). 78 56 34 12 : Hex dump value. NOTE: All the number in this document are in HEXA. Packet Format ============= The UDP packet sent from the client to the server has the following general layout: VERSION 5 (in decrypted format): --------- Length Content (if fixed) Name ------ ------------------ ---- 2 bytes 05 00 VERSION 4 bytes 00 00 00 00 ZERO 4 bytes xx xx xx xx UIN 4 bytes xx xx xx xx RANDOM 2 bytes xx xx COMMAND 2 bytes xx xx SEQ_NUM1 ?? 2 bytes xx xx SEQ_NUM2 4 bytes xx xx xx xx CHECKCODE variable PARAMETERS ENCRYPTION ========== If you want to encrypt or decrypt a packet, use the following algorithm: (the algorithm is the same for the ecryption AND decryption) 1. Calculate the following: Calculate the CHECKCODE (see CHECKCODE section) (or extract it from the packet if you are decrypting (see EXTRACT CHECKCODE section)) PL = Packet length CODE1 = (DWORD) (PL * 0x68656C6C) (flush the overflow) CODE2 = (DWORD) (CODE1 + CHECKCODE) (flush the overflow) N = (PL + 0x03) POS = 0x0A 2. Do the following loop: while POS < N do begin T = POS MOD 0x0100 CODE3 = CODE2 + TABLE[T] (see TABLE section) DATA = DWORD at position POS in the packet (don't forget to reverse the byte order) DATA = DATA XOR CODE3 DWORD at position POS in the packet = DATA (don't forget to reverse the byte order) POS = POS + 4 end 3. If you are encrypting, you must insert the checkcode (modified) into the packet at pos 0x14. Check the INSERT CHECKCODE section for more information. ENCRYPTION EXEMPLE ================== Not yet available. See document on V4. CHECKCODE ========= The checkcode is calculated base on the DECRYPTED data of the packet. If you want to calculate a checkcode do the following: 1. Found NUMBER1 formed by: B8 = Byte at position 8 of the packet. (starting at position 0) B4 = Byte at position 4 of the packet. B2 = Byte at position 2 of the packet. B6 = Byte at position 6 of the packet. NUMBER1 = 0x B8 B4 B2 B6 (B8 = UPPER BYTE, B6 = LOWER BYTE) 2. Calculate the following: PL = Packet length R1 = a random number beetween 0 and (PL - 18) - 1 (or MOD (PL - 18)) R2 = another random number beetween 0 and 0xFF (or MOD 0x0100) 3. Found NUMBER2: X4 = R1 X3 = NOT (BYTE at pos X4 in the packet) X2 = R2 X1 = NOT (BYTE at pos X2 in the TABLE) (see TABLE section) NUMBER2 = 0x X4 X3 X2 X1 (X4 = UPPER BYTE, X1 = LOWER BYTE) 4. You can now calculate the checkcode: CHECKCODE = NUMBER1 XOR NUMBER2 The byte order of the checkcode must be reverse (because it is a DWORD) in the packet dump. EXAMPLE ======= Not yet available. See document on V4. TABLE ===== The algorithmes use a table of constant to found some numbers. TABLE[X] mean data at position X in the table (starting at position 0). POS DATA ASCII --- ----------------------------------------------- ---------------- 00 - 59 60 37 6B 65 62 46 48 53 61 4C 59 60 57 5B 3D Y`7kebFHSaLY`W[= 10 - 5E 34 6D 36 50 3F 6F 67 53 61 4C 59 40 47 63 39 ^4m6P?ogSaLY@Gc9 20 - 50 5F 5F 3F 6F 47 43 69 48 33 31 64 35 5A 4A 42 P__?oGCiH31d5ZJB 30 - 56 40 67 53 41 07 6C 49 58 3B 4D 46 68 43 69 48 V@gSA.lIX;MFhCiH 40 - 33 31 44 65 62 46 48 53 41 07 6C 69 48 33 51 54 31DebFHSA.liH3QT 50 - 5D 4E 6C 49 38 4B 55 4A 62 46 48 33 51 34 6D 36 ]NlI8KUJbFH3Q4m6 60 - 50 5F 5F 5F 3F 6F 47 63 59 40 67 33 31 64 35 5A P___?oGcY@g31d5Z 70 - 6A 52 6E 3C 51 34 6D 36 50 5F 5F 3F 4F 37 4B 35 jRnDERn<1dUjRNl B0 - 69 48 53 61 4C 39 30 6F 47 63 59 60 57 5B 3D 3E iHSaL90oGcY`W[=> C0 - 64 35 3A 3A 5A 6A 52 4E 6C 69 48 53 61 6C 49 58 d5::ZjRNliHSalIX D0 - 3B 4D 46 68 63 39 50 5F 5F 3F 6F 67 53 41 25 41 ;MFhc9P__?ogSA%A E0 - 3C 51 54 3D 5E 54 5D 4E 4C 39 50 5F 5F 5F 3F 6F bit 15 bit 30 -> bit 14 bit 29 -> bit 13 bit 28 -> bit 12 bit 27 -> bit 11 bit 26 -> bit 25 bit 25 -> bit 24 bit 24 -> bit 23 bit 23 -> bit 22 bit 22 -> bit 21 bit 21 -> bit 31 bit 20 -> bit 30 bit 19 -> bit 29 bit 18 -> bit 28 bit 17 -> bit 27 bit 16 -> bit 04 bit 15 -> bit 03 bit 14 -> bit 02 bit 13 -> bit 01 bit 12 -> bit 00 bit 11 -> bit 26 bit 10 -> bit 09 bit 09 -> bit 08 bit 08 -> bit 07 bit 07 -> bit 06 bit 06 -> bit 05 bit 05 -> bit 20 bit 04 -> bit 19 bit 03 -> bit 18 bit 02 -> bit 17 bit 01 -> bit 16 bit 00 -> bit 10 Here is a simple algorithme that make this translation: A1 = CHECKCODEFROMPACKET AND 0x0001F000 A2 = CHECKCODEFROMPACKET AND 0x07C007C0 A3 = CHECKCODEFROMPACKET AND 0x003E0001 A4 = CHECKCODEFROMPACKET AND 0xF8000000 A5 = CHECKCODEFROMPACKET AND 0x0000083E A1 = A1 SHR 0x0C A2 = A2 SHR 0x01 A3 = A3 SHL 0x0A A4 = A4 SHR 0x10 A5 = A5 SHL 0x0F REALCHECKCODE = A1 + A2 + A3 + A4 + A5 EXAMPLE ======= Suppose that we have : FE 34 EC 89 at pos 0x14 to 0x17 So, CHECKCODEFROMPACKET = 0x89EC34FE A1 = 0x89EC34FE AND 0x0001F000 = 0x00003000 A2 = 0x89EC34FE AND 0x07C007C0 = 0x01C004C0 A3 = 0x89EC34FE AND 0x003E0001 = 0x002C0000 A4 = 0x89EC34FE AND 0xF8000000 = 0x88000000 A5 = 0x89EC34FE AND 0x0000083E = 0x0000003E A1 = A1 SHR 0x0C = 0x00000003 A2 = A2 SHR 0x01 = 0x00E00260 A3 = A3 SHL 0x0A = 0xB0000000 A4 = A4 SHR 0x10 = 0x00008800 A5 = A5 SHL 0x0F = 0x001F0000 REALCHECKCODE = A1 + A2 + A3 + A4 + A5 = 0xB0FF8A63 INSERT CHECKCODE INTO A V5 PACKET ================================= The checkcode must be transform before insertion at pos 0x14 of a packet. The transformed checkcode must be insert after the encryption. The transformation is only bits translation. Here are the translation : (bit 31 is the most significative bit) Position in Position in CHECKCODE CHECKCODETOINSERT bit 31 -> bit 21 bit 30 -> bit 20 bit 29 -> bit 19 bit 28 -> bit 18 bit 27 -> bit 17 bit 26 -> bit 11 bit 25 -> bit 26 bit 24 -> bit 25 bit 23 -> bit 24 bit 22 -> bit 23 bit 21 -> bit 22 bit 20 -> bit 05 bit 19 -> bit 04 bit 18 -> bit 03 bit 17 -> bit 02 bit 16 -> bit 01 bit 15 -> bit 31 bit 14 -> bit 30 bit 13 -> bit 29 bit 12 -> bit 28 bit 11 -> bit 27 bit 10 -> bit 00 bit 09 -> bit 10 bit 08 -> bit 09 bit 07 -> bit 08 bit 06 -> bit 07 bit 05 -> bit 06 bit 04 -> bit 16 bit 03 -> bit 15 bit 02 -> bit 14 bit 01 -> bit 13 bit 00 -> bit 12 Here is a simple algorithme that make this translation: A1 = CHECKCODE AND 0x0000001F A2 = CHECKCODE AND 0x03E003E0 A3 = CHECKCODE AND 0xF8000400 A4 = CHECKCODE AND 0x0000F800 A5 = CHECKCODE AND 0x041F0000 A1 = A1 SHL 0x0C A2 = A2 SHL 0x01 A3 = A3 SHR 0x0A A4 = A4 SHL 0x10 A5 = A5 SHR 0x0F CHECKCODETOINSERT = A1 + A2 + A3 + A4 + A5 EXAMPLE ======= Suppose that CHECKCODE = 0xB0FF8A63 A1 = 0xB0FF8A63 AND 0x0000001F = 0x00000003 A2 = 0xB0FF8A63 AND 0x03E003E0 = 0x00E00260 A3 = 0xB0FF8A63 AND 0xF8000400 = 0xB0000000 A4 = 0xB0FF8A63 AND 0x0000F800 = 0x00008800 A5 = 0xB0FF8A63 AND 0x041F0000 = 0x001F0000 A1 = A1 SHL 0x0C = 0x00003000 A2 = A2 SHL 0x01 = 0x01C004C0 A3 = A3 SHR 0x0A = 0x002C0000 A4 = A4 SHL 0x10 = 0x88000000 A5 = A5 SHR 0x0F = 0x0000003E CHECKCODETOINSERT = A1 + A2 + A3 + A4 + A5 = 0x89EC34FE So FE 34 EC 89 will be insert into packet at pos 0x14 to 0x17. -------------------- Sebastien Dault ===================================================== The "unoffical, not-sponsored-by-Mirabilis-one-bit" ICQ Clone Development List