AIM/Oscar Protocol Specification: Section 8: Privacy and Annoyance Management

8.0 Privacy and Annoyance Management

OSCAR implements a couple of different methods for controlling and ignoring annoying activities. Also, there a few features of OSCAR that actually inhibit some of the information gathering discussed in section 6.0 in the name of privacy.

One of these features is the ability to control who can talk to you. These features mirror ICQ's "invisible" and "visible" user list concept. Server-wise, it's the exact same thing, but the clients handle it differently. You are free to implement this as you choose..

8.1 Changing Visibility

Change visiblity [Source: Client]

Here's what you use to change your visiblity to other users. The concept is to remove/add users to a "permit" and "deny" list, or "visible" and "invisible". When a user is denied access to see us, we become offline to them entirely.

SNAC Information:

  • Family 0x0009
  • SubType [variable -- see below]
  • Flags {0x00, 0x00}

    This is a very simple command, and mirrors the "add buddy" command. The subtypes are as follows:

    • Permit add -- 0x0005 -- Lets provided list of names see you.
    • Permit remove -- 0x0006 -- Removes listed names from permit list.
    • Deny add -- 0x0007 -- Hides you from provided list of names.
    • Deny Remove -- 0x0008 -- Lets list see you again.

Container Data TLV Type

Screen name length (byte)

RAW Screen name  

From Adam:

Equivalents to options in WinAIM:

* - Allow all users to contact me: Send a "permit deny" request with only your name on it.

* - Allow only users on my Buddy List: Send a "permit add" with the list the same as your buddy list

* - Allow only the uesrs below: Send a "permit add" with everyone listed that you want to see you.

* - Block all users: Send a "permit add" with only yourself in the list

* - Block the users below: Send a "deny add" with the list of users to be blocked


Adam Fritzler
Scott Werndorfer
Last modified: Tue Apr 11 22:47:07 EST 2000