This is the server response to client meta info request SNAC(15,02)/07D0.

 00 15   word   SNAC family
 00 03   word   SNAC subtype
 00 00   word   SNAC flags
 xx xx xx xx   dword   SNAC request-id
 00 01   word   TLV.Type(1) - encapsulated META_DATA
 xx xx   word   TLV.Length
 xx xx   word (LE)   data chunk size (TLV.Length-2)
 xx xx xx xx   dword (LE)   request owner uin
 DA 07   word (LE)   reply type: SRV_META_INFO_REPLY
 xx xx   word (LE)   request sequence number (incrementing)
 2E 04   word (LE)   reply subtype (see table bellow)
 ......   ......   reply data (depending on subtype)

Reply subtypes list:
 SNAC(15,02)/07DA/0001    Meta processing error server reply
 SNAC(15,02)/07DA/0064    Set user home info server ack
 SNAC(15,02)/07DA/006E    Set user work info server ack
 SNAC(15,02)/07DA/0078    Set user more info server ack
 SNAC(15,02)/07DA/0082    Set user notes info server ack
 SNAC(15,02)/07DA/0087    Set user email(s) info server ack
 SNAC(15,02)/07DA/008C    Set user interests info server ack
 SNAC(15,02)/07DA/0096    Set user affilations info server ack
 SNAC(15,02)/07DA/0096    Server SMS response (delivery receipt)
 SNAC(15,02)/07DA/00A0    Set user permissions server ack
 SNAC(15,02)/07DA/00AA    Set user password server ack
 SNAC(15,02)/07DA/00B4    Unregister account server ack
 SNAC(15,02)/07DA/00BE    Set user homepage category server ack
 SNAC(15,02)/07DA/00C8    User basic info reply
 SNAC(15,02)/07DA/00D2    User work info reply
 SNAC(15,02)/07DA/00DC    User more info reply
 SNAC(15,02)/07DA/00E6    User notes (about) info reply
 SNAC(15,02)/07DA/00EB    User extended email info reply
 SNAC(15,02)/07DA/00F0    User interests info reply
 SNAC(15,02)/07DA/00FA    User past/affilations info reply
 SNAC(15,02)/07DA/0104    Short user information reply
 SNAC(15,02)/07DA/010E    User homepage category information reply
 SNAC(15,02)/07DA/01A4    Search: user found reply
 SNAC(15,02)/07DA/01AE    Search: last user found reply
 SNAC(15,02)/07DA/0302    Registration stats ack
 SNAC(15,02)/07DA/0366    Random search server reply
 SNAC(15,02)/07DA/08A2    Server variable requested via xml
 SNAC(15,02)/07DA/0C3F    Server ack for set fullinfo command
 SNAC(15,02)/07DA/2012    Server ack for user spam report

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