Mpd 4.4.1 User Manual : Introduction : Change history
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1.4. Change history

Changes since version 4.4:

Changes since version 4.3:

Changes since version 4.2.2:

Changes since version 4.2.1:

Changes since version 4.2:

Changes since version 4.1:

Changes since version 4.1rc2:

Mpd version was bumped from 4.0rc2 to 4.1rc2 due to large number of changes done since 4.0b4 and FreeBSD ports version number conflict.

Changes since version 4.0rc1:

Changes since version 4.0b5:

Changes since version 4.0b4:

Changes since version 4.0b3:

Changes since version 4.0b2:

Changes since version 4.0b1:

Changes since version 3 (most of this work was sponsored by SURFnet SURFnet):

Mpd 4.4.1 User Manual : Introduction : Change history
Previous: Organization of this manual
Next: Installation