Mpd 4.4.1 User Manual : Chat Scripting : Events
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Next: Timer events

6.2. Events

An event is either the expiration of a timer, or the matching of some pattern in the input. Events that haven't happened yet are pending events. Pending events are created with the timer and match commands, respectively.

Each pending event has an associated label (called the target label) of the event. When and if the event occurs, execution resumes starting at the target label. Events only occur during the execution of a wait command.

Events are grouped into named sets. Events in the same set are usually related, in the sense that they represent alternate outcomes to the same situation.

A set of pending events may be explicitly cancelled (i.e., forgotten) before they occur with the cancel command. All events in the set are cancelled.

The other way a set of pending events may be cancelled is implicitly, when any event in the set occurs. Execution resumes at the target label associated with the event that occurred, and all other events in that set are immediately cancelled.

6.2.1. Timer events

6.2.2. Match events

Mpd 4.4.1 User Manual : Chat Scripting : Events
Previous: Script file format and execution
Next: Timer events