Mpd 4.4.1 User Manual : Running Mpd : Configuration file format : mpd.conf and mpd.links
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3.2.2. mpd.conf and mpd.links

The mpd.conf and mpd.links files have the same simple structure. An entry consists of a label followed by a sequence of mpd commands. A label begins at the first column and ends with a colon character. Commands are usually indented with a tab character (this is not required) and follow the label immediately on the next and subsequent lines. An entry ends at the first blank line after the label.

Here is an example mpd.conf that contains a single configuration config1 that defines a single bundle myisp, containing two links modem1 and modem2:

# mpd.conf configuration file

	new myisp modem1 modem2
	set auth authname "mylogin1"
	set iface enable on-demand
	set iface addrs
	set iface route default
	set iface idle 300
	link modem1
	set modem var $Telephone "123-4567"
	link modem2
	set modem var $Telephone "123-4567"

The corresponding mpd.links file might look like this:

# mpd.links configuration file

# my internal modem which is on COM3
	set link type modem
	set modem device /dev/cuad2

# my external modem which is on COM2
	set link type modem
	set modem device /dev/cuad1

Note that the telephone number to dial for each link is set in mpd.conf instead of mpd.links, because this is specific to config1. On the other hand, the serial port device is a property of the link and independent of the configuration; hence this is set for each link in mpd.links.

Mpd 4.4.1 User Manual : Running Mpd : Configuration file format : mpd.conf and mpd.links
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Next: mpd.secret