 F.A.Q. - How to add the program of a bootable CD to a CD with BCDW?

You'll need WinISO.
  1. Create an image of the bootable CD selecting "Make ISO from CDROM" from the menu "Actions", then open this image in WinISO.

  2. If there are any files and folders - copy them to your CD with BCDW.
    (if there are no files or folders - you do not need to copy anything).
  3. Save the boot information to a file (e.g. BOOTINFO.WBT) selecting "Save boot information to file" from the menu "Bootable CD".

  4. Add the saved file to your CD with BCDW, and in BOOTCAT.INI (the configuration file of Bootable CD Wizard) add an entry similar to the following:

    BOOTINFO.WBT ; Name of the program
Copyright (c)2004 by reanimatolog.
English translation by Wolfgang Brinkmann